Friday, July 15, 2011

Quadratic equation please help?

To start, you need a graphing calculator (like a TI-87). Then you need to insert the points you plot and create and equation based on your (I'm not sure how to do it without looking at the calculator, maybe TI has a website with instructions?). The equation has to be an x to the 2nd power since there has to be a parabola. Then, give your equation, the coordinates of the vertex (where the parabola crosses the y-axis) and the x-intercepts (where the parabola crosses the x-axis [there should be 2]). Finally, write complete sentences telling how you did all of this on your graphing calculator and tell why it was beneficial to have the graphing calculator (most likely because it is very time consuming to do this problem by hand and the calculator increases accuracy and precision).

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