Monday, July 11, 2011

Why do guys only want me for sex?

I know I have so much more to offer than sex, but that's all guys seem to want from me. It's like I have a big red stamp on my forehead that says "SEX" lol. I just would like for one guy to look past what he sees on the outside, and develop something deeper than lust, who would actually take the time to get to know all the aspects of me. I'm 23 yrs. old, so I know I'm young, and I figure that could have something to do with it...I'm surrounded by guys my age, and a lot of them haven't matured yet. But I know plenty of people my age who are in relationships. I'd like to be in a good relationship one day with the right person, but it seems like EVERY guy I meet just wants to have sex right away, and not even give me a chance. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it my age, or the area I live in? I just don't get it. It's starting to make me feel like I'm not good enough, and no one will ever see past what's in my pants. I know that's not true though, I know I am a good person, and wouldmake a great wife to someone one day IF people give me a chance. Because there are so many people my age in relationships, I feel like it must be me, like I'm doing something wrong here. I admit I do sleep with guys too soon sometimes, but even when I wait and tell them no they just keep pressuring me and pressuring me. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm ready to completely give up on guys. It's taken a toll on my self-esteem lately. I don't even want to meet anymore, because I feel like they're all the same. Sorry to use such absolutes, because I know not every guy is like this, it just feels that way right now. Can somebody please give me some advice? Anything will help. Thank you!

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