Monday, July 18, 2011

How much tallow do you get per pound of fat rendered?

I can't seem to find the answer anywhere... I need the approximate amount of tallow you end up with once you have rendered one pound of animal fat. Please add links if you find any.

HELP ME!!! Guy Probs!?

Ok so lately in my life there have been a lot of guys, including this one I met a few months ago that was really promising, but he ended up a total dud. I haven't had a boyfriend in 2 years now. I decide i'm not looking at the right type of guys, so I scroll through my contacts and an old name pops up. Garrett and I hadn't talked in so long, that he actually almost forgot me! I'm a teenager now and Garrett is a year older than me. We got to talking and soon I found that there was something between us that wasn't there before. I really like him and by how much he flirts, he really likes me. Sounds promising right? Well it was at first, until I met another old friend, MarieAnn. Turns out MarieAnn and Garrett had hooked up about a week before I texted him. MarieAnn was an amazing friend way back in elementary, but come on it's high school now. I know Garrett likes me a lot more than MarieAnn and she only thinks of him as a friend really because they were hooked up by the quarterback without really wanting to go out. Simply just because they didn't want to be single in summer! Now that MarieAnn remembers me, she wants to go back to the friendship we used to have but meanwhile, i'm diggin on her man and normally since she doesn't really want him that would work. Except that she's head cheerleader soo if he breaks up with her, even if there is nothing there, she will make his life miserable, maybe even mine. Knowing her, she'll keep him all summer as her pet, but what if I can't wait that long? What am I supposed to do?

What do you think of my name choices?

They all seem normal to me :) I really like Jack, Derek, Andrew, Mason, NOah, Paul, Logan, Ryan (like all of them lol) for boys, and love Hannah and Leighton for girls, Serena is great too.

Having a 'weird' period...?

Hi, i'm 32 yrs., old. My period has always been 'normal', but this month things seem weird. I use pads, but i haven't bled on any of my pads and this is day 4 of my period. I only am bleeding like if i use the bathroom to urinate, while i'm wiping a good amount of blood comes then on the tissue, and i'm also having a clear thick discharge streaked with alot of blood which i usually never have while having a period, i usually have the clear thick discharge in the middle of cycle, near ovulation time. Why would a period be like that, is that normal? to not bleed on pads ect??? never happened before. even if i've had a light period i would always have bled on pads ect.

In a bad marriage. 2nd time my wife has come at me with a hammer. Never touched her. Should I stay?

I'm 28 and my wife is 25. Married 5 yrs with 2kids. Our marriage had not been good by any means. I stepped out on my wife last year and of course she found out. Now I know I was wrong but I don't think I deserved to be hit with a hammer and have bleach thrown at me. I never touched her. I left home for 3 months after that to see if the marriage was worth fighting for. I came back and decided to make it work. I understand insecurities would be there on her end after stepping out so I decided to work through it. I lock my phone so my 1 yr old daughter wont dial people by mistake. So the cell rings last night with a email and she gets upset she can't access my phone. It was nothing. A guy responded to facebook post I made about a co worker going back home this weekend. She lose's her mind about nothing. She comes at me with a knife and a hammer this time. I feel like the woman in a violent relationship. I know she does that cause she know's I won't hit her. My question is I have already left once because my life was threatned so my question is should I go back after a second time of this happening. I love my kids and they don't need to see this. My 6 year old asked me was we fighting and I didn't know what to say.

I think my Best Friend is Jealous of my Boyfriend?

Okay So my best friend asked out this dude. And he said no. Then later the boy asks me out and I say yes. She really likes him I can tell and she flirts with him constantly. Ive only been dating him for a day or longer and already A boy wants to fight him because the other boy was mad that hes dating me and everyone wanted us to hug. So after the situation pf the fight they made me hug him. But I was too shy to do it and my best friend kept yelling at me she kept going REALLY closr to him and even my other friend was like "Why are you going so close to _____?" and then my best friend started hugging Him! Later we were texting then she was like "Why are you acting like_____ isnt your bf?" and then later shes like "You like Garrett more than your bf" then I said "No theyre even" then shes like " No you like Garrett more" then i said "No. I like them even its my head so its my lovers." and she doesnt reply. But even my two other bffs think shes jealous. Do you?

What is the best brand of metal detector ?

Hi is any body can suggest me what kind of metal detector I have to buy , have around 300 pound looking for best metal detector it must be good for gold ,silver, platinum. Was thinking about Garrett ace euro it will cost me about 290 pound, just not sure how deep it can go , for e.g. , large amount jewellery in 1.5m -2meters deep just please give me some advise about all metal detectors as I never had one thanks.

Medical school...what do you think will happen?

ok so my bf just broke up with me after 6 months of dating...we had a great relationship...i can tell that he really loved me bc he would always want to see me, was affectionate when he was with me, introduced me to his immediate family and friends, would always contact me and buy me things..the reason why he broke up with me was because he decided to go to med school in russia for 6 yrs in september....he told me that he cant do long distance relationships and its better just to end things now...he told me how he really cares about me and the last thing that he would wanna do is hurt me...and then he was like i dont know if you want to be cool with me or not....i was speechless...i didnt expect this coming from him cause we had a really good relationship...i can tell that he was upset too just by the sound of his voice and he told me that he hasnt been sleeping over this...he really broke my heart...i just want to know do you think he regrets losing me?? i was a great girl to him... will he miss me?? we used to talk everyday

What is the approximate expenses for a trip to Jim Corbet national park?

I plan to go on a trip to Jim Corbet National Park, What is the minimum expenses to cater for this trip ?

Is it creepy to find myself always wanting to buy this outfit?

your like obsssed about babies! lol no your fine, i found baby clothes cute too but its weird that you want to aftually buy it and keep but you can do it if you want too and make a collection of baby clothes xD

What is the approximate annual pay of a supermarket employee?

Like someone who works at Stater Bros. or Vons. I'm filling out an application for a supermarket called Fresh and Easy and it asks me what my desired annual pay is. Anyone know what I should put there?

Pros & cons of using friends sperm vs sperm bank?

Ok I'm 25 yrs old and I want to be a mum, but I have no chance of meeting mr right so I approached my best friend and asked him to be my sperm Donor but what I really want is what are the pro's & con's of asking a friend vs a stranger from a sperm bank. Please help

Did this guy I like tell his friend about me?

So the guy I like, his friend called me and said hey Garrett wants you to come over and play beer pong with him. But Garrett was to shy to talk to me on the phone. But did he tell his friend about me? Or what

What is the life expectancy of a Zenith TV?

This Zenith Tv is 10 yrs. old. The sound is going out on it. Sometimes the picture shows blocks. Other times it makes a steady humming sound.

How to make a Villain Die in a Story?

you can bring some character who he knows already and that character gets in some sort of trouble, such as character gets ride to goes to store and that store has robbery in progress and this person tries to save that character and one of the thief shoots at character and he saves him while taking bullet to himself

Cat Is Misbehaving! PLEASE HELP!!!!?

My husband and I had four animals. Two cats, one is 6 yrs and the other just turned 1yr. And two dogs one is 8yr and the other 1yr. Our cat that is 1yr old is always into everything. Boxes, bags, plants, etc... He is very curious and playful. That is how he earned his name demon because he truly is one. Well last week my neighbors found a chihuahua puppy in a store parking lot dumpster. They brought it home but it is scared to death of their 3yr child. So they brought it to us. (before anyone jumps to conclusions about having 5 pets I live on 5 acres and have no children so our animals are well taken care of and have plenty of room to run except the cats live indoors only due to coyotes) Anyways since bringing the puppy into our home our 1yr cat has been worse than ever and I think it might be because of the puppy but the cat has lived with 2 HUGE dogs that chase and play with him everyday and this puppy doesn't even weigh 2lbs. And when I say he is worst than ever I mean really bad! He has started tearing a huge hole in the cat food and dog food bags so they spill out on the floor. He has literally tore up every toilet paper and paper towel rolls in the house due to him getting into bathroom and kitchen cabinets, and with his new found skill of opening cabinets I woke up this morning to all my dry goods out of the cabinet and shredded on the floor (I mean every single one that he could possibely shredded was in little bity pieces). Worst of all he is breaking my blinds in my windows. I have now replaced 6 blinds for the low low cost of 120 dollars. The weird part of it all is that he goes around howling and he is fixed. I love him to death but he is driving me nuts and I fear that he might get worse and tear up my furniture or worse yet start peeing on things. If that happens I will have to get rid of him and I don't think I could bear to do that because he it "my" cat. I have brought up the idea to my husband that we rehome the puppy but we took the puppy to my moms house for a night and even with it gone for 24 hours he still continued to destroy my house. He is so loving but I don't know what is causing his behavior or what I can do to help him. He hasn't lost attention that he normally gets and he still follows me everywhere. Also every morning him and I play before I even get out of bed. The puppy is caged at night like the other dogs in a spare bedroom and the cat still sleeps next to me. The puppy doesn't torment him by any means. I think the puppy is scared of the cat seeing he is 10lbs bigger than it and avoids it at all cost. Has anyone dealt with a problem like this??? Please I am desperate for help I lost over 30 dollars in food from my cabinets and I installed child locks on them for a cat!

Air conditioner shuts off when its gets hot/sunny outside. Any help?

Call me crazy...but my air conditioner works at night and when it is cooler or rainy outside. Once it gets sunny and or hot it just stops working. Any help? Is is less that 3 yrs old.

What are some examples of acts of terrorism the KKK did?

They burned houses and churches, hung people, and beat people. Hard to say how many. Not all were reported or linked to the Klan.

Did anyone else have this thinking process in deciding their kids' names?

It took me the whole ten months(because that's really how long you're pregnant) to decide on what to name my daughter

I know! I'm a weirdo???????

Hahahaha omg lol that's crazy I do the same thing too exceot I dnt care if they see me bt I'm a pretty aggressive driver sometimes I have to calm myself down....ahahaha its nt weird nt to me jus let them pass bt I knw that same feeling cuz I get it to so I try to listen to music or think about something....aren't we jus two peas in a pod lol

Which names do you like best out of all these names? (pick as many as you like)?

What about Summer Raine?, Skylar,Jordan,Rance( different),Ava-Lynne,Blake Devin,Mason-Lynne,Kaleah Danielle,Sophia-Lynne,Lynne Paige,Ayden Dakota,Mason McKenzie,Tara Haley,Bradley Derek,Tyler Garrett,Teegan Janelle,Olivia Mason....I made up a few, Most are very nice names

Is it good if 2 people has the exact same house cusps?

I have only run into this same rising and cusps once so far. My parents both have Gemini rising and were married 56 years. So i would have to say that from what little i have seen, they can be very compatible. Maybe because they view each area of life (the houses) in a similar way though their planets are very different. Good question. Good luck and Bless you.

Why is my father this way? Why cant he show any simple love or initiate even a convo these days?

He is a single father. He has fathered 2 children for like 11 yrs of his live singly. He can be too militant sometimes. Before it wasn't so much like that until the last past 5 yrs. My sis hasn't been the greatest daughter for the last 4 yrs. I have been pretty good on the other hand. That proly hasn't anything to do with this the question I'm going to ask. I've always looked up to my pops. Always go give him hugs. My sis never did. I would literaly knock on my pops door just for a hug before I went to bed. When I was lil all the way up to now even just never knock anymore. Its just hugs here or there, if I hadn't seen him in a while. He always has his stupid door locked with him in it. Has for 11-12 years. Don't get me wrong he comes out and watches movies and stuff or we go out and run or whatever. But not as much anymore. But lately last past 2 yrs and 6 mo he has had GF and all and a new place. He works almost all the time and only the weekend to recooperate & all. In which he stays home on Saturday till night. I'm in my room with the door locked and he's in his room with his door locked. I have a lock on my door cuz my sisters a theif. He has one on because of the same thing, O other things which I'm not certain of. My problem is. Me and him are sis has boy F. So she's at his place. Right now its me & pops home & our doors are locked. I hate this! Its so weird like. He doesn't even hug us, or complimet us, or show love 2 us. My sis has dated wrong men because of it so she says. I haven't. I handle things dift. I member we were in church & the pastor was telling everyone to show 2 eachother & put your hand on next 1 2 u's lap. He hessitate doing a # and it just seem so unnatural. Why is he this way? He said his mom never showed love, but why wudnt he say I'm not gonna be that kind of parent, like he said so many other things regarding dift issues w/ his mom & pops really. Who wasn't in his life? He's been a great father. Just this is just weird 2 me.

I always get lightheaded and faint when learning about sex ed, can anyone please tell me why this happens?

I am 13 yrs old and im just finishing yr 9 at secondary school. But i have a problem that is big to me and that problem is i always feel very weak and go lightheaded when learning about sex education or about the human body in depth(as you can see they are linked together). I have fainted twice at school; One being in a sex ed lesson and the other in a science lesson about the insides of a human body.When i fainted in the sex ed lesson i got a 2 1/2 graze, glowing red just above the top of my left eye and a little cut just below my left eye so you can see i was very lucky to have missed any harm to my eye. I got the cut because i was sitting down on a chair and i fainted to my left which caused me to hit the edge of the table and then hit the floor(amazingly i didint feel any pain because i blacked out for that moment). My other faint was not to bad as i escaped clean injury-free but it was just over a few facts about the insides of a human body! it was very hot though so that could be an excuse ;) But on a serious note, can anybody please explain why this happens to me and give me advice on what to do to resolve this problem i have? All comments will be appreciated and i will feel very humbled and grateful :)

How much does a single mom get for cash assistance in the state of pennsylvania?

im 19 yrs old and am pregnant with my first child and going to be a single mom since my bf left me when i was 4 months pregnant

Is Garrett Morgan Canadian?

I have a project on Gas masks. I want to know whether the creator, Garrett Morgan was Canadian? If anyone knows anything about him, Gas masks or have the answer to my question, please let me know! :D

Would this make a good sibling set?

if you go onto, then go to Name Wizard and type in your siblings first names then Conner pops up (I checked). Really his middle names could be anything, nobody really cares.

What theoretical substance has a melting point of over 5500� C?

there's this ...quiet close to 5500 ...Tantalum hafnium carbide (Ta4HfC5) is a refractory compound with a very high melting point of 4488 K (4215 �C, 7619 �F)

Was there a Mary Janice Davidson book or short story between "Undead and Unreturnable" &"Undead & Unpopular?

I just started reading "Undead and Unpopular" but there seems to be details that weren't included in the previous book (like Garrett's mate, the psychic werewolf). Was there another book or short story that would've introduced her even it it wasn't part of the actual series?

Issue with bf ex gf, she is crazy wondering if she will harm the kids?

now some of what she get mad about i can understand, but here what been going on if he don't come to visit she get really pissed and starts on everyone in his life, i told her it was not my fault if we don't come up to get the kids and she says she knows this but last time we did not come when he said he would she called me names his mom names and his other daughter names and she is only 15 yrs old, a preacher molested her and she said it was her fault she was a ho, and yes she wants him back, she told him this, she kicked him out 9yrs ago on xmas and newyears eve moved a man in and she could not even speak his language she had to learn it, she has told my bf she was having him watched so that was one reason we move 130 miles away from her, now because of how she is acting he is worried as well as his family that she may hurt the kids, if he don't pick up the phone she will call 30 times or more in a day if he answers a text she will text just as much as she will call, cussing every one out, 3 times i said i would not go to pick those kids up and then a few months later i did take him to get them he can not drive, his parents have already said they would wait until those kids are 18 to see them, if he call the kids he must talk with her first and then after wards she will put the kids on put on speaker phone only, do you think she is capable of harming those kids, and yes i know it is not my place and by not going to pick them up it take me out of it at least i hope so,

Texas lost majority of football games because ...?

My friend claims that the university of Texas lost the games they did lose because of Garrett Gilbert. I do not think they lost their games only because of him. I think they lost their games because their team as a whole were not performing at a Texas level. Did we lose just because of Gilbert???

Which game sold more TOTAL? Assassin's Creed Brotherhood or Starcraft 2?

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is available for both consoles and PC, while Starcraft 2 is only made for PC. So therefore comparing the sale figures for both of them would be unfair.

Who the hell is Frank Garrett?

Some guy named Frank Garrett keeps calling me and cursing me out with very disturbingly derrogative phrases, such as: :hey is ur mama still got uh worms crawlin out her pus.."? So doesn anyone know what i should do> I cant recall the number cuz its blocked :(

Urges to pee..early pregnancy sign?

im 20 yrs old, mother of a 2 year old, this month i been making alot of trips to the bathroom, i get the urge to go soo bad and i do pee..earlier i was at the store and out of the blues i had to pee so bad i just had to stop walking and stand still and try to hold it in..i almost couldnt make it..i had to run to the bathroom, could this be a sign for a 2nd pregnancy?my period is due in a week.

Help!!!Abusive Father?

Your mother is lucky to have a concerned son like you. I suggest you speak to a school counselor or a religious pastor for more specific advice. I wish you good luck.

What do you think of this?

It's a really good concept and creative, but there was a slight confusing part for me. Like, maybe you should tell more about what the "deer boy" legend is... and if he was a legend... why did he suddenly appear on a normal school day, i mean just out of no where, catch my drift? I mean, i get hes different,but i think everyone should be "scared" of a legend, not exactly teasing him. It's really good though, dont get my wrong. Continue writing, but remember to spend more time explaining this deer boy legend and why he suddenly decided to come to this school.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm seeing things that can't be there?

What is it with mortals? Why can't they accept the fact that there are other things out there that stupid science can't explain?!?!?!? I say someone was trying to contact you from beyond the grave.

If my husband waited this long does it mean he was in love with someone else?

Of course he's attracted to her. Are you going to keep asking this question until you get the answer you are looking for? I've seen it at least three times.

Is it possible to get garretts popcorn in india?

I know they dont have any stores in india but is there a way in which i can get or anything???

What is the approximate weight can withstand for 4" agregate roof slab?

I am constructing my house for first floor. The ground slab has two levels.Differance is about one feet.Now i want to finesh the first floor,floor level in a single layer. I physically checked with wet sand ,it seems that per cft it holds 35 kg. Can i go head with that or any suggestion please.

I love this girl so much its killing me?

i love this girl but i kno she has feelings for me not that strong but she says " Garrett Your a real nice guy and really sweet and caring your gonna make a girl real happy one day your gonna be a Great boyfriend your Such a Caring and loving guy" iv never been in love or liked a girl n i like her i kno she has some feelings for me but not that much but she did say that should i just still bit the bullet and ask her out? we dont chill that much but i kno that can change but we talk on the phone and text 24/7 and say goodnight and morning cus were always texting should i bite the bullet and still ask her out?

Why did Garrett and Chirs leave BOTDF (band)?

I'm listening to "Deigned To Kill" and the comments are about Chris and Garrett. So why did they leave the band. REAL answers please.

Pleas advise laws of extridition?

my husband had went for a back groung chek in GA and Alabama came up with bad checks from 15 yrs ago.... he is being held in county jail in GA for the past 12 days- if AL does not extridite him within 14 days ... don't they have to release him.... ?

What do you think of the following names?

For a girl, I like the name Viola...its different and pretty ;) i also like Leighton cause that's different too..and for guy names, i like the name Joshua if he could go Josh for short.. and Gatlin is a nice name too..hmm.. the best name for anyone is Vanna though. haha jk jk..that's my name XD hahahaha lol

Im in big problem.need real help?

there is no reason to stay with this guy obviosly he does not care runs away instead of working out issues like an adult and on top of that he get physical not worth it a person will change if he cares for the other person but if he maintains that behavior you need to end tha relationship becuase you are wasting your time

How is the distance to a hole determined considering both the location of the pin and the tee markers change?

Like others have already said, look for the concrete markers to get the distance to the center. I would only add one more piece of advice. Unless you are a very good golfer with remarkable control of your distance and trajectory, you will be better off just aiming for the center of every green. Don't worry about front or back pin placements.

Help on my first one night stand?

You should go to a planned parenthood and get the morning after pill. It can be effective for 3 days after intercourse, some say 5. Good luck.

How can I stop being awkward around women?

I know i can talk and converse with girls but its hard.. lol and also i dont have any experience really with women and i never had GF im 18 yrs how do i stop being awkard and be a good sweet talker?

Omg, someone wanna calm me down?

You shouldn't have responded with a smart comment, however, you shouldn't let this bother you. You should have numerous friends other than her, and you shouldn't even waste your time with this argument that will just blow over in a matter of weeks (for your sake). She'll get heat about this her entire social life.

Whats worse no degree or bad GPA?

I am separating from the service soon with 12 yrs service. I am four classes away from graduating but will have approximate 2.5-2.7 GPA upon the completion of my BS. Would it be better to retake courses in order to boost GPA and only have AAS on resume or have a BS with poor GPA? I keep hearing experience outweighs GPA, but don't want to hurt my chances at a great job.

My favorite name, trying to fit family names in, can you help, so I can have the perfect names chose?

After tossing around different combos in my head, my favorites would probably be Cora Louisa Catherine and Myles Benjamin Reider. Good luck!

How to kiss/tell him i like him?

okay so i really like this guy and he lives across the street from me we go to diffrent schools but we have been knowing eachother for 3 yrs now. i have another gurl that lives next door to me n she said that he likes me. do i ask him if he likes me? or do i tell him that i like him? and if he does like me we might kiss cuz hes that kind of guy. it will be my first kiss so... how do i do it? how do i hint that i want to kiss him? ik that your supposed to look at his lips than his eyes but anything else after that? and after what do i say? and please dont say anything mean! thanks!

Need some advice, trying to get it together please help?!?

I am 19 yrs old :) soon to go back into school. Here's the deal I have always thought myself to be independent untill a year ago when I decided to move in with my at the time "boyfriend" now its been 7 months after our break up and he's already moved on and I find it quite difficult to do so. I admit I made a mistake in moving in so young and now I'm having a really hard time focusing when emotionally I'm not stable. How do you stay focused?

BMX seat, rare or no?

I'm selling my bmx but possibly thinking about selling it in parts. Now i've searched them up and found some correct prices on them, but there's one part I cannot find any where on the internet, i've looked for quite a while. It's a black/green Guns n Roses seat, it's basically black background with green roses/guns on it, now i've never seen one before nor can i find one on ebay to find an approximate price. I was wondering if anyone knew how much it was or has possibly seen it on the internet?

Should I forgive and move on or this a red flag?

Forget him and find someone kinder and a lot more loyal and trustworthy! How can you trust him for the rest of your life if you get married when he behaves like that during a period of only three days apart?!

How tall, approximately, will i be when i reach 20?

Im 16 and 5ft 7 1/4. My mother is 5ft 4 and my father is 6ft 4, i was just hoping that some one with more knowledge than me could have an approximate guess at how tall i could potentially be. I started my period at the age of 12 and have heard that you stop 'growing' about 1-3 years afterwards. Fingers crossed that i can reach 5ft 11 with out the aid of heels! Many thanks.

What name is best for Maeve's brother?

Maeve & Oscar - I just think these two would work fabulously for brother & sister. They have the same sort of old fashioned but sweet feel to me.

Is Garrett Hedlund single?

Garrett Hedlund is 100% single and plans to have sex after he is married. i love him too but you can have him. Ahahah!! hope this helped you x

A few questions about slavery in North America?

Slavery began in the early 1600s with native americans and eventually african americans. Slavery was suppose to end with the Emancipation Proclamation, but since Louisiana seceded they didn't follow it. So officially slavery was ended at the conclusion of the Civil War in 1865 with the 13th Amendment. There was over 40,000 slaves in the New Orleans area.

Am I right to think my husband wouldn't have done this if it wasn't serious?

It's obviously not just sex, he values her as a person and wants her near and available to him. Just move on, what's the point if his heart doesn't lie solely with you. And even if it was 'just' sex, does that make it more okay?

What is the approximate diameter of the redwood?

felicia is a park ranger, and gives school tours through the redwoods in a national park. someone in ever tour asks, " what is the diameter of the giant redwood tree near the park entrance." felicia knows that the arm span of each student is roughly the same as his or her height. so in response, felicia asks a few students to arrange themselves around the circular base of the tree so that by hugging the tree with arms outstreched they can touch the fingertips to fingertips. she then asks the group to calculate the diameter of the tree. In one group, four students with the heights of 138cm,136cm, 128cm, and 126 cm were able to ring the tree.

What is the approximate cost of a sim card at Greece for calling the U.S.?

5 comes with some minutes loaded on it.......but if you plan on calling the US more than once, I suggest you buy more minutes. You can purchase at any kiosk.

I'm having trouble finding a corset. Ideas? People with experience tightlacing?

costume shop, i had to wear a corset n a musical i was in. costume shop is your best bet for a real corset

How can I be home schooled?

I suggest you investigate home schooling on the education web site for your state. Home schooling will not make you a "somebody". To my knowledge, there is no free website for home schooling unless that website is operated through a recognized school system. Anyone being home schooled, is required to take tests to ascertain they have accomplished the minimum requirements to progress to a higher grade.

Is this considered cheating?

I came across a 6 month old email conversation between my boyfriend and another woman. I wasn'r snooping at first but the name of the woman caught my eye (she lives far away but was considering relocating here) and I read the email. She asked him if he were single and he replied. "Single enough" although this is not at all true. We have been together for 5 yrs and he recently asked me to move in again as we had stopped living together last year but continued our relationship. There has been no further correspondence since this email 6months ago, as far as I know. Months ago I found this woman in my boyfriend's IM contacts. When I asked him who she was, he told me he had no idea. We have had a volatile relationship but both of us have agreed that we are the love of each other's lives and really like spending most all our time together. I can see that he is genuine in his face and his actions but for this email in which he so clearly lied to both her and me. What do you think? Is or has he been unfaithful? What would you do? He will deny it of course.....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why did he have say that!?

I've been with my bf for 2 yrs cause my ex never wanted to be with me we dated for like 3 yrs he wanted to be like friends with bennefits and I finally moved on but my ex would text me hi and stuff and try to get me to come and visit him and I wouldn't. well I married my bf and my someone told my ex so he sent me a text saying your not really married and I didn't want to make him feel bad but I sent him my wedding photo and he called my husband a goofy looking guy when my husband is like way more handsome then him! Like what's his deal? He didn't want a relationship with me why is he making mean comments about my husband?

What do you think of this boys name?

im kinda torn between luke nolan and luke garrett...i like luke garrett if flows nicely i just have nothing to say about luke ian i dated an ian....he was a douche...nough said by the way my lil brothers name is lucas and he is certanly not named after mexican candy hes named after my great grandpa who saved me when i was a baby from getting 3rd degree burns from a pan of hot water my grandmother was carrying and slpped on the floor and almost dumped it on me and as my mom jumped to catch grandma grandpa caught me and saved me from having having horriffic burns forever!

I bleed after exercising? what does that mean?

hi!! i'm 25 yrs old and i used to weigh 84 kg in december 2011..but now after extensive exercise i weigh 74 kg...i lost 20 pounds in 5 months by running and jogging,but then for the last 3 months i had periods for 20days each month and i also bleed after exercise... does any one knows wat this means ?? pls dont tell me to go see a doctor becoz i'll be seein one if any one has any expierience pls let me kno...

How much weight will I lose if I dont eat and only drink water for the next month?

Don't lecture me about how it isn't healthy, or how my muscles will be eaten. Just give me the answer approximate answer.

Just out of curiosity?

Anya, cause that's my friends name. :) ans Hans, because I love Hans Zimmer. I too(like someone above) think your name is Emily, though I don't think that's right?...

(17 year old guys only pls) Would you guys date your crush/dream girl if she was 15 yrs old (almost 16)?

Well I'm not a 17 year old guy, but my brother is. His current girlfriend is I guess he would lol.

How do I hint that I want him to kiss me?

Im a 16 yr old gay guy and I met "Garrett" three weeks ago at my schools straight gay alliance club (Im not fully out of the closet I just took the first step by going there) and we kind of hit it off. We've texted and talked a lot in person as well. And tomorrow is the first official date, at the beach. I've never kissed a guy before and I really really want to kiss him :). He's really romantic, but idk if he really wants to, too. What are some subtle hints I can drop? Thanks.

Need information on Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) courses in India?

My friend is in the final year of B.A. through Mumbai University. She plans in pursuing the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) course. Could you please help me with the following. 1.) The eligibility for this course 2.)The duration 3.) The list of colleges in Mumbai with the name for the course 4.)The approximate fees. And if I intend pursuing the course outside india the list of some of the best colleges around the world for this course.

An object represented by a vector a=<89.7,-7.3> is held over a flat surface inclined at an angle theta=16.?

If a light is shining directly downward, approximate the length of the shadow to two decimal places for the specified values of the vector a and theta.

Cost to build a 12 x 20 deck?

The deck I want to build would be free standing, use pressure treated pine. At it's lowest point it would be inches off the ground, and at it highest point about 2 feet off the ground. The high end would have a 4 foot wide staircase. I want to use 4 x 4 posts, 2 x 6 framing with a spacing of 12 inches between joists. Handrail will be basic and want to use simple beveled end ballisters. All work will be done by myself. What is the approximate amount I will spend (ballpark figure)? I live in the Cincinnati, OH area.

(SPOILER) L.A. Noire homicide ending?

So apparently Garrett Mason was behind it all. My question is why did all of the other suspects who were arrested seem like they did the crime. There was clear evidence (suspect running, bloody clothes, murder weapons, etc.) pointing towards the suspects and some of the suspects basically admitted to comitting the murders at the end of the cases. Im having throuble understanding all of this. Someone PLEASE help!!!

How much will I get at gamestop?

I wan to trade in the 1st gen psp and a bunch of ds, psp, and 360 games. Just wondering what an approximate value will be. Also do you think they will accept a 360 that sometimes works and if not does anyone know where I could sell it.

Will my kids mom ever come back to me?

Me and my kids mom broke up back in april. We have 2 kids and been together for 5 yrs. 1st love 1 st all. She cheated on me for her ex best friend kids dad. I think is weird. Lmao. Their both lazy no job no type of money cominh their way. He 28 and drinks constantly and she's 21. Well I have a new girl too. But when I ask my kids my does she miss n love me still, she says no I dnt love you no more or miss you, she moved on and happy. Will they last? Or will she ever come back to me? Yes I still do miss her.

Will this prevent me from getting a job..?

hi everyone im a 18 yrs old guy. currently im small for my age, 5'6 tall and i'm pretty skinny and lean. i also look young (babyface if u will..) but too young. also, im a korean guy. will these factors prevent me from getting employed around here? i live in the U.S. ofc.

Hi temperature in toddler please help?

hiya... i am looking after my friends little boy for the night hes 3 yrs and his temperature is 38.1 he feels very hot too the touch also he was saying he felt sick b4 bed but never mentioned it since hes only wearing shorts and t-shirt pjs and i have no calpol to give him what should i do its 02:29 am so i don't want to wake his mum unless needed

Friday, July 15, 2011

I got rejected by a girl i really liked.....feel horrible now.....what should i do?

Don't get yourself down about it. You sound like a really great guy. Once i had a crush on this guy and like we both use to flirt with each other so i though he liked me too. Im not the type to hide the way i feel about some one so i made the first move and turns out he had just got out of a relationship also. I was feeling like the dumbest person in the world. But i understood where he was coming from because when a person is just getting out of a relationship it takes time to get over who they are dating. So we continued being friends. Two months later he started to tell me how much he liked me. I was confused and everything. He explain to me why he turned me down and everything. So him and i started dating and we are now still together. My point is that i know how you feel right now you feel like the most unwanted person on this earth. But don't let just one turn down get you down. I mean hey look on the bright side its good when girls want boys to be their friend b/c she trust you. If you need anymore advice just email me im always here :) GOOD LUCK

Why do record companies try to make things (boy bands, teen pop singers, etc.) work when they don't work?

Because all there in it for is the money. They do not give to craps about the quality of the music they just care about the consumer buying the products the singer has. It's sad how they can't even put a single thought into this pop crap. It's all about brainwashing the public with catchy lyrics and beats because it's all to get them hooked and buy, buy, buy!

Am I pregnant or going through menopause?

I'm 41 have 2 kids, last one 11 yrs ago. Was told I couldn't have any more due to cysts and fibroid tumors. Haven't had my monthly this month. Have noticed extreme fatigue, hunger, tummy seeming to swell and at times feel tight, have tender breasts and am constipated. Thinking am I crazy to think I might be pregnant after all this time, or maybe I am at the age to start going through perimenopause? Frankly too scared to take a test at this point in case I start my monthly in July. Anyone been through same prob?

Idea For A Book/ Want Opinions =)?

I'm not all that fond of romances, much less love triangles, but from a professional standpoint it does sound like a well thought out plot and you could probably do something with it. Good luck!

Episode of fresh prince with Brad Garrett?

Does anyone remember that episode of fresh prince where Brad Garrett is an assassin and tries to kill will smith. Will and the rest of the family go to Alabama in witness protection. It starts with will and Carlton playing poker with jazz. Could anyone tell me the title of the episode?

What do you think of these names?

I love your girls names, I would spell Allison as Allison, I like most of your boys names, except I dont like Easton or Tanner at all, im not huge of Garrett, but its okay, I would spell Kale as Kale.

Which names for boy/boy twins?

Garrett Henry & Oscar James. Maybe you could also use Oliver instead of Oscar. They both sound nice with Garrett.

How much would two fillings cost on the NHS Scotland ?

This would be in the one dental appointment. Can anyone give me an approximate charge, I know in England it would be �47 as it falls into band 2 but I know there's a difference in Scotland.

Whats the approximate cost to fix a Ford Festiva?

$140 2 front tyres fitted at bob jane. Brake pads $60-90 depending on brand fitt it yourself (E-How). Brake fliud $9-12 need 2 people to bleed it through (E-how) Middle muffler may require welding have to take to exhaust shop. Seatbelt and washer tube get from wreckers.

Can a dentist break a teeth while filling? anyone has heard about such cases?

Yes this is possible. You're dentist will tell you while he is doing the filling if it will happen and what you want to do about it, he might suggest a root canal or to just take the tooth. I klnow a root canal costs alot, and you might have to go back to see how it goes n have more work done(my grandmother n grandfather had to) Pulling it out may be cheaper, but its your choice.

My man left me and im pregnant what to do?

Ok my man family dont like me at all...we been together for 8 yrs and hav 2 kids...while he left hes fam and came home to work it out.. While onday he visit hes brother and mom and never came bak he left me and my kids. Hes family tells me he dnt want me and dont love me. When i tell him to tell me he hangs up and basically dont tell me its over. While now i found out im prego hes fam said i should hav abort and hes doesnt want me to have hes baby.what do i do??? Should i beleive hes family??


Aiden, Bentley (love!), Corey, Damion, Eli (my son's name =)), Farley, Gage, Hunter, Issac, Jayson, Kaleb, Liam, Mason, Nicholas, Oliver, Parker, Quince, Ryan, Samuel, Tanner, Vincent, Wyatt, Xander, Zachary!

How would this laptop run games?

You should run this games at High easily and BFBC2 and Starcraft2 at max. Just make sure you drivers are upto date and have the latest patch for the game.

*******Garrett OR Gareth*******?

Garret- It's easier on the tongue to say out loud, especially if you have a "D" last name, that could turn into a major tongue twister

Please help I am so desperate and messed up?

Things will work out for the better. Just stay on track and get good grades. If you think something is wrong with you, there will be. If you accept the fact that you're completely normal just like everyone else you will be much happier. You're not ****** up in the head or anything, stop using it as an excuse.

What's Your Favorite?

Amber Elise it sounds very pretty and unique I love the name. And for boys Hayden Kyle cuz those r lik my 2 fav guys names it's a very look name. Evr think of the names David,Bryan, or Blake?? I also like the name Jared for a guy. And for girls Allysyn Jade, Hazel Love, and Dakota Leigh... I also lik the name Marleigh for a girl . I hope I helped =)

Shes wet every time shes turned on and thats alot?

me and my girlfriend were talking and we got onto the subject of whether she gets wet? and she said yes and i said when, she sad whenever im turned on, i said when are you turned on, whenever im with you or sometimes by text, so is it normal for a girl of 16 yrs to be wet every time she gets turned on?

How to remain positive and focus when things you do is never good enough for your husband?

Constant roller coaster ride with my husband...can be some happiness but a whole of not. Always been critical with yelling if I do not agree with what he says and disregard of my feelings when I am feeling down. But then things can look bright and then it happens again. This has been happening for over 10 yrs and I am tired. I read that when your spouse tries to be negative and makes you feel that you are not good enough to just ignore him and not allow him to control your happiness. I have tried to do this to remain focus and positive for the sake of my kids (9 yr old and 12) but the flame is dying. I have always loved him because he can be so loving and fun to be around with but when the stress hits him his other personality kicks in and it is down hill after that. Any advice how anything worked to remain positive or has anyone just gave up?

How long will it ( depo ) take to come out of my system?

It depends on you. I didn't get my period for a year after stopping depo and I was only on it a year and a half. I had to take fertility medication and still had problems getting pregnant for a couple of years. However I have a friend who got pregnant as soon as it wore off.

Why is my guy friend acting like this?!?

I'm actually in this same situation with a guy. We're both 19 and he acts the way you're describing Garrett. Our mutual friends tell him to ask me out or make moves and he can't seem to do so until we're alone. Majority of the time they are busy, but who's to say. He could be sitting there reading the texts not knowing the words to say. If your mutual friends have any "influence" on him then it will definitely be hard for him to fully like you. I've been there. lol I've been treated as though I didn't exist in front of the guys friends, but wen we're together (alone I might add) he professes his attraction towards me. I got tired of the back and forth feelings and decided to remain friends. You should definitely sit Garrett down and tell him how you feel. If he's genuine you'll find a common ground and see where this ends up. If he's just following the crowd or listening to his friends (which guys tend to do) you shouldn't waste your precious time. Hope I've helped ! =)

Quadratic equation please help?

To start, you need a graphing calculator (like a TI-87). Then you need to insert the points you plot and create and equation based on your (I'm not sure how to do it without looking at the calculator, maybe TI has a website with instructions?). The equation has to be an x to the 2nd power since there has to be a parabola. Then, give your equation, the coordinates of the vertex (where the parabola crosses the y-axis) and the x-intercepts (where the parabola crosses the x-axis [there should be 2]). Finally, write complete sentences telling how you did all of this on your graphing calculator and tell why it was beneficial to have the graphing calculator (most likely because it is very time consuming to do this problem by hand and the calculator increases accuracy and precision).

What is the HP gain from a Garrett T25 to a garrett t4 60-1 on a 2G eclipse?

Try DSMtalk, or DSMtuners, and you'll find an answer. Of course... you could just do it and find out.

Fat Hideous Teenager?

Hi I'm 17 yrs old and once upon a time I was really skinny. Now I'm an ugly fat ***** who weighs 142 pounds at 5'4 ! All the fat has accumulated to my belly and arms never to my thighs which I wouldn't mind as much. I hate this. How can I get beautiful toned arms and a small waist + flat belly by the end of this month !

Zenith B25A24Z tv turns self off right after I turn it on. Repeats this intermittently.?

I haven't timed it but I think the intermittent swtich-offs continue for maybe 15 minutes. Do you know the cause? Is it fixable? Approximate cost? We don't have a problem with other TVs in the house so I'm certain it isn't a cable problem.

How to tell him i like him?

okay so i really like this guy and he lives across the street from me we go to diffrent schools but we have been knowing eachother for 3 yrs now. i have another gurl that lives next door to me n she said that he likes me. do i ask him if he likes me? or do i tell him that i like him? and please dont say anything mean! thanks!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to get information about car insurance premium increase? - try this site to compare how insurance rates would change for your situation.

I need financial help to start a business.?

I want to build an all purpose arena with approximate seating for 10,000. The area where I want to build is a city of approximately 70,000 people, 3 college campuses, and 3 rapidly growing small towns all within about 10 miles. I have just started back to work after being roughed up by the economy. My credit is shot as a result and bank loans are out of the question. I have a Business degree, and am no stranger to working long days. What I am looking for is investors who would allow me to re-pay in annual interest+principal payments. Silent partners would be welcome. This project will have a big price tag, but will provide short term and long term employment opportunities in the area. Any reasonable ideas/offers will be appreciated.

Being treated like a maid?

I'm 27 yrs old, have one child (4), recently divorced and have nothing to call my own. i have 2 younger siblings. one is 20yrs old and the other is 16yrs old and they are my half siblings from my stepdad. i have been living with my parents for the past 2 years after i left my husband. i was working but i got laid off and now i'm looking for work. i have no money for child care as it is expensive! i have tried government assistance (DSS) but because i am getting child support through them they take a percentage of it (for food stamps and F.I.) and i only get $473 a month and they like to give you the run around. i don't have time for that (i live in the south, so if you live in the south you know how DSS is down here!). so i stay home with my son during the day and trying to look for jobs, as both my parents still work therefore they can't watch him during the day and i don't know anyone that can watch him for me while i work during morning shift hours. anyway, while i'm at home i clean up so that my parents won't have to worry about that when they come home from work and it's only right anyway if i'm here all day. but just as summer started to come, my sister is home for her summer break and my little brother is in some kind of summer program at his school for an advanced program he's in. this is where the problem arises.....THEY DON'T MAKE THEM DO ANY HOUSE CHORES!!! it's absolutely wrong and unfair and they have to know it! i KNOW i sound like a whiny brat but, that's irrelevant to the situation. it doesn't matter how old someone is. when situations like this happen it can be irritating for anyone no matter how old you are! i wash dishes, clean the bathrooms, vacuum the living room and clean the room me, my sister and my son share. i have been holding my tongue for so long and it's really driving me nuts. whenever i try to talk to my mom about it she says she's gonna have them do some chores but does it ever happen? does she ever tell them to do it? NO. just last night, my mom was having a hussy fit about a dirt ring around the tub. for some ODD REASON, she always blames me for it. after i give my son a bath i always clean out the tub afterwards. then my dad and my brother got in the shower. did they clean it out afterwards? NO. but she has the audacity to yell at me for not cleaning someone Else's funk out of the tub! mind you people, we have 3 bathrooms and it's the only one that everyone uses because it's a full one. seriously, these are the reasons i feel like i'm being punished for these ridiculous circumstances that can be easily resolved. ONE: i didn't finish college like my sister is trying to do, i got married at 21, and now i'm back living with them. TWO: i don't have a job yet. it still isn't an excuse not to tell your other children to pick up after themselves or share the house hold chores and 2 just because i'm home during the day, doesn't mean that i have to be treated like a live in maid! i love my parents soooo much, but i really feel my stepdad has something to do with all of this. i have more to say but my question is long enough as it is. can someone PLEASE, help me to talk to my parents and try to explain to them how they are treating me so unfair???

I just need someone here for me;(?

Just letting you know you are not alone, I've been like this for quite some years already and I'm 17, but I think the only reason I'm still alive is because of my ambition in music. other than that i don't know what or where i would be. Hey can you please answer my question? thanks.

Do you think the Texas Longhorns will be any better this year?

I am a die hard Texas Longhorns college football and basketball fan. Since they had this amazing recruiting class this year do you think that they will be any better. I am getting a little worried because Garrett Gilbert didn't do so good last year either. Who do you think the Quaterback this year will be? Who do you think this years running back will be? I live in Ohio so nobody here cares about the Longhorns. I am the only one. I am also a Buckeye HATER!!

Help please this is very important!!?

Using graphing technology, create your own quadratic equation whose graph opens down and crosses the x-axis at two points. Use complete sentences to explain what piece of the quadratic equation causes its graph to open up or down. Approximate the coordinates of the vertex and x-intercepts of the parabola

What do you think about these baby names? Comment. Rate. Suggestions.?

Don't really like any of the names, but as long as you like them, it shouldn't matter what people think

Girls, does it bother you when boys are in the woman’s changing room.?

I've never had that issue because I don't normally go to public pools. If I as faced in that situation, I'd roll my eyes and move on because some parents are just ridiculously stupid.

Pls pls answer i am having stomach heaviness...?

pls i need ur help of yours from past six mnths i am having stomach heaviness after eating .now it is getting worse n worse.i have gone to many doc but they give med. Which give temp relief and do not get cured by root.bread make it worse .i feel heaviness which last till 4 hrs (not exactly it depends on it severity)and other times my stomach is ok! Now days it is going regularly like this due to this i am not able to eat .well i m male 16 yr severly underweight problem also since 4 yrs .pls help

Career counseling help...?

o, I'm 23 yrs old and graduated with a bachelor degree of Hotel and Restaurant management of batch 2008 The problem is it has been 3 years since i was unemployed..within those years I never quit looking for a job, during those times I felt Lost, and I really dont know where do I fit in. I have failed many times before. Now its year 2011..I have stopped looking for a job this past few months because my mom needs my company and she had asked me to stay. She has a glaucoma, and she needed someone to put her eye medicine from time to time. She's 73 yrs old , she's my non-biological of my problem why I couldnt have a job is that I have a low self-esteem I got that behavior since childhood. I've made so many mistakes before, now I want to change to become a better me. I'm looking for many job opportunities again one of my job choices is, of course related to my course, and the other one is call center job. My problem is How can I answer the interviewer if i'm lacking of experience. Well I did have a job experience before but only as a reliever and it didnt last long, it took me only 2 months. other experiences was a failed OJT's. I want to help myself and build my confidence so I could have my own self Identity,I just don't want to lose hope. I've been looking for counseling online since I don't know where or whom to seek help..Pls reply to me soon..Thanks:)

Am I being to rational or am I doing the right thing?

My name is Heather, I'm 25 with two daughters one 6 and the other one 2. My mother has 6 children all together me being the oldest, a 23 yr old sis, and 4 younger siblings ages from 6-13. I payed my mother to watch my children while I work, and on one occasion something happened between my 13 year old brother and my 6 year old daughter. I didn't find out till a few days later from my ex mother in law-when she stayed over night and the ex-mother-in-law brought it to my attention that my 6 yr old told her my 13 yr old brother kissed her and wouldn't stop. I was confused at first but only because she said it was my 8 yr old brother Tony and not C.J. at first. (C.J.) is my 13 yr old brother. I thought she was doing it for attention so I called my mother just to clarify- and I told her from my gut instinct I believe Tony wouldn't do that that maybe my 6yr old is lying-but just to look into it. My mother of course was furious and stated she never wanted my kids over there ever again....I stopped talking to her after that because she was being ignorant and instead of being an adult about it she said mean and hurtful things about my children. Well, I started to ignore it that maybe it was an attention trip for my 6yr old. But it ate at me. So last night I had a heart to heart talk with her about what had happened- I didn't feed any information to her I just asked her upfront questions- Me: Mina, what happened at grandma's? my 6yr old Mina: "Tony kissed me and wouldn't stop." Me: How? Mina: With his mouth on mine. Me: What else happened? Mina: He used his tounge? Me: why? Mina: He said he was just playing with me and wanted to try something. this was the whole conversation and I again asked her the same questions 10 min. later to verify she wasn't lying and not once did she change her story-this leads me to believe she isn't lying because a 6 yr would change her story if she lies I've seen her do many times before. Me: uploaded a picture of my two brothers and I asked her who did it she pointed to c.j. I said that's not Tony that's C.J. do you know who he is? Mina: yes my uncle. I called my mom to apologize about Tony and that Mina stated it was C.J. and this isn't the first time that C.J. has kissed someone like this. My own mother told me he did it to her, guess out of curiously and she spanked him for it. I was calm and told her before she flies off the handle there is something very important that I needed to talk to her about-I proceeded tell her it wasn't Tony and I knew it wasn't and I'm sorry,and that it was C.J. as soon as I went into detail she hung up on me. So I called her back calmly and said " I'm bringing this to your attention because this is important and DHS could get involved, I just want you to investigate and correct the problem before it gets out of hand. I'm willing to discuss this like adults but if you want to do this the hard way I'm more than happy to get DHS involved. My gut instinct is to call and report it-my little brother has anger issues and has put his other siblings in the hospital for violent attacks-and I don't play around with children being molested I was by my father for 13 yrs and my mother refused to do anything about it because she didn't believe me. My question is, am I being to rational or am I doing the right thing? I honestly believe that I am, by pressing charges-he needs to be taught it's wrong, and if his mother won't do it at then I guess the law will have to. I know how i would feel if it were the other way around, I would be mad but I wouldn't act in that such of manor. The thing is, that my family history has so many files of prison time for the men touching children in inappropriate manors. I'm here to break this cycle. Of course my mother and I are no longer speaking and I'm more than happy to keep it that way if it means the well being of my children. It has angered me to the point where I don't want to be intimate with my boyfriend, and am afraid that this might push him away. He believes my daughter too..but I don't know if it could be the rage that's causing me to be this way or what. That of course is a whole other question but if someone could answer that one two, by all means go for it. But my main question is am I being to rational or am I doing the right thing?

How Can I Make 600 Dollars (Or More) in One Month?

Come up with things you can do for friends, family and neighbors that they would be willing to pay for. Babysitting, pet sitting, watering plants and flowers, etc. are all great ways to make some cash for the summer. Unfortunately, there is no quick easy way to get cash, but hard work will pay off. Whatever you do, be safe about it. Stick to working for people that you know, and make sure to have your parents approval and make sure they know where you are when you are doing for for people! Good luck with your business venture!

How weird is it that I got depressed so much after thinking that I don't have a twin and won't have a clone?

I was quite a sane person until I read your question. Now I feel bewildered and confused so I'm going to have a lay down for a while.........................

Advice on my relationship of 4 1/2 yrs?

For the past yr my relationship as been a bit shaky (alot of ups and downs)...i have been doing everything by myself financially, taking care of the home, children, him n trying to go back 2 school for the past 2 yrs. He has been in and out of jobs because he feel he can do whatever & still have a job. It seems he is really lazy, shows me no support in anything-doesnt hang up his clothes, wash dishes, clean up after the kids, nothing. Even when i ask him to do it by the time i get home the place still looks the same. All he does all day is hang out with friends till late night. He doesn't spend time with the family anymore or seem like he trying to make any effort to better himself to support the family. I have gotten so depressed to the point i sometmes feel like moving on but i still love him but he makes me stress too much. its at a point where I have a guy friend who always try keep me smiling since the first day we worked together, he even gets upset when he see's or hear me sad about what i go through, we eye to eye on things, talk about our life goals n stuff. This guy has shown his love and care to me to the point where I cried n started having feelings for him and he told me he loved me and im the kind of girl he would like marry-he is a true family soo confused at this point I don't know what to do...someone please help!

18 kinda shy and never had a gf?

what should i do to get sum1? lol i spend more time tryin to think of ways to make money then anything else, but im tall, 18, kinda shy, and like 165 pounds, not fat, dnt smoke or Drink, so i dnt go to partys. and ya there are girls who msg me on fb nd tagged and stuff sayin they wanna 'hangout' thinkin i have a car nd stuff (but i sold it a while ago), and i dropped out of school a few yrs ago too so ya lol cat fine any1 tht way. and pretty much lost all my friends cuz i stopped bein bad. nd to shy to make new 1s, but sumtiimes ppl do come up to me and i do talk back to them but i never really have anything to say so the talkin doesnt last lmao.

Should i go for the guy?

there's a guy i've liked for 10 years, but one or the other of us has always been in a relationship. recently we both broke up with our partners of about 6 months and there has been talk of us getting together as a couple, the only thing is his ex. she's not my friend but due to the guy being an ex (5 yrs ago) of my best mate who he has children with, his ex has become friends with her. she wants to get back together with the guy but he says no way, they were too different, different ideals etc. should i follow my heart and let things happen or stay away from him because this girl would be hurt to see him with someone else?

Where can i find an online art valuation site?

I have several antique, modern and vintage oil paintings and prints that I would like to find an approximate value for. Some are oil paintings and some are collectors edition prints. i bought one at an art gallery years ago, but most were purchased form europe on ebay.

What is a cute nicknam for the name.........?

My bfs name is Garrett and I just don't know what his nickname should be! Plz help!!!!! Btw thx for everyone who helped me out on figure out if I should break up with him or not!!!!

Medical school...what do you think will happen?

ok so my bf just broke up with me after 6 months of dating...we had a great relationship...i can tell that he really loved me bc he would always want to see me, was affectionate when he was with me, introduced me to his immediate family and friends, would always contact me and buy me things..the reason why he broke up with me was because he decided to go to med school in russia for 6 yrs in september....he told me that he cant do long distance relationships and its better just to end things now...he told me how he really cares about me and the last thing that he would wanna do is hurt me...and then he was like i dont know if you want to be cool with me or not....i was speechless...i didnt expect this coming from him cause we had a really good relationship...i can tell that he was upset too just by the sound of his voice and he told me that he hasnt been sleeping over this...he really broke my heart...i just want to know do you think he regrets losing me?? i was a great girl to him... will he miss me?? we used to talk everyday

Spiritually Speaking, do guys feel wrong taking a girls virginity away when there's no commitment and love?

My virginity is REALLY REALLY important to me. I'm 18 yrs old and proud. Heck, i don't mind dying a virgin not until I find the right guy that GOD sends to me. But don't guys feel wrong breaking a girls virginity? Like corrupting yourself inside her and destroying something that should be special and valued?

I am very shy and come across to people as stuck up how can I learn to be more friendly!?

I am 18 yrs old and I am very shy on top of having anxiety when being around people. When I walk up to people or try to have a conversation I feel like I instantly make them uncomfortable because I am so quiet and its obvious I am uncomfortable in the situation too. Some people can tell that it is just because I am shy and I am actually a very nice person but others see me as bitchy. There have been times were people have thought that I didnt like them or i was irritated because I look uncomfortable or dont talk much. My boyfriend told me that his mom thinks I come off sorta bitchy which really hurt my feelings a lot. People who know me well know that I am not a bitchy stuck up person at all. I want so badly to be more bubbly and friendly because I really am I nice person and I hate that I come across this way.

Anyway of getting hamsters to live longer?

hello :) i have a male syrian hamster and i have had him for 2 yrs and 5 months i ain't sure what age he was when i got him as he wasn't baby i adopted him. hes in good health and hes not sick or anything i was just wondering if there is any tip on how to make them live loooong lol i really don't want the little fella to die anytime soon any help would be great :)

How do i tell him I don't love him and i want a divorce?

Since i am not in love with my husband of over 18 yrs, i moved out - it was very hard because i felt sorry and i still feel very bad, he is very obsessed with me and refuses to believe that i don't luv him, I have left him many times and end up going back, he has many problems with his daughter who is abusing drugs, we were giving custody of her two children 6yr old boy and 11 yr old girl but because of all my stepdaughter put me thru and still does i am not willing to continue to take care of the kids and continue married with someone i don't luv because of the children, I just found out that they are to TPR of both parents, that means my husband has to raise the kids. Since i have moved out he constantly Comes over and always wants me to go to the house & stay with him, i have stayed at times to avoid problems and help with the kids but he ends up wanting to have sex and i hate when he touches me! And since i had it I don't want to continue to deal with him, he continues to tell me to pray to God and not give up on our marriage B cause we were married by church, how do i tell him its over, I am very afraid of what he will do or how he will react. and of course I feel so bad for him BUT DON"T LUV him! please help with ur advise.

I was born at 28 weeks, will my baby be born premature?

i had severe vomiting when i was pregnant too and my son was born 5 days after my due date. so just because you and your sister were premature doesnt mean your baby will be too

How can u get married in a church in London?

My fianc� and I would like to get married in a church in London, but neither of us know what the next steps should be. As well as that we are very time limited and need to get married by the mid august. Could anyone give us an advice on the approximate costs - for the ceremony we plan to have 70 people at most and reception about 150. And basically what should we look at, thanx

Approximate cost of puppy's first vet visit?

It depends on the vet and what may come up. Call the office and ask them the usual rate for whatever you need to do. When I first got my dog, I called my local vet and they gave me a ballpark price for his first shots and deworming.

Microsoft Word very specific technical question?

So i'm writing a book but I really want to change one character's name. The name is like Alex or something and I want to change it to Garrett but the name appears like 40,000 times and I was wondering if there was an easy way to just change that one word and every time it appeared in the book it would change too. So like if I changed Alex to Garrett once it would change it to Garrett every time you see the word 'Alex' any way to do that? Thanks in advance I appreciate it a ton!

Tell him? or ask him?

okay so i really like this guy and he lives across the street from me we go to diffrent schools but we have been knowing eachother for 3 yrs now. i have another gurl that lives next door to me n she said that he likes me. do i ask him if he likes me? or do i tell him that i like him? and please dont say anything mean! thanks!

Medical school...what do you think will happen?

ok so my bf just broke up with me after 6 months of dating...we had a great relationship...i can tell that he really loved me bc he would always want to see me, was affectionate when he was with me, introduced me to his immediate family and friends, would always contact me and buy me things..the reason why he broke up with me was because he decided to go to med school in russia for 6 yrs in september....he told me that he cant do long distance relationships and its better just to end things now...he told me how he really cares about me and the last thing that he would wanna do is hurt me...and then he was like i dont know if you want to be cool with me or not....i was speechless...i didnt expect this coming from him cause we had a really good relationship...i can tell that he was upset too just by the sound of his voice and he told me that he hasnt been sleeping over this...he really broke my heart...i just want to know do you think he regrets losing me?? i was a great girl to him... will he miss me?? we used to talk everyday

Question about la fitness?

im 14 yrs about 122 pounds and i was wondering how to join in la fitness like do i just go there givem the money and use the equipments or something. is it simple as that? i dont need any personal trainer tho. all i need oit to work on getting rid of little belly fat work on my arms and chest and shoulders

Justin Bieber vs. Leif Garrett?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How may an American man marry a Filipina if he and also she have been married, but divorced?

My fiancee was married briefly and was divorced a few years ago. She lives in the islands. I was married, also, but have been divorced. I live in the USA. Is it possible for she and me to marry in the Philippines? What must we do, and what will be the approximate costs, and time element? Do you know the proper website we can search for such questions?

What recourse do i have to get my money back from a time share company that cannot sell my property?

I entered into an agreement with a company who promised to sell my timeshare in 6 months and all I had to pay him was 500.00. My money is gone and 5 yrs later my timeshare has not sold. I no longer hear from them what can I do to get my 500.00 back

Air conditioner shuts off when its gets hot/sunny outside. Any help?

Call me crazy...but my air conditioner works at night and when it is cooler or rainy outside. Once it gets sunny and or hot it just stops working. Any help? Is is less that 3 yrs old.

What motive Does Garrett Mason(The Black Dahlia) have to murder all those women in LA Noire?

Don't think he had a particular motive, he was just messed up. I think the only sort of motive that's ever discussed in the game is his obsession with power and superiority, he enjoys feeling superior to the police department and enjoys mocking their inability to catch him. Other than that, he's just a bit of a psychopath.

How many kids does Leif Garrett have?

Why do we see this question popping up in yahoo and various places over the internet? Who cares whether he has kids or not. It's his private life.

Name 8 kids using these names...?

Alec Seth, Tristan Graham, Garrett Harrison, Joel Brendan, Delia Brielle, Camille Kylie, Jocelyn Liza, Lydia Mirabelle

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I could not tell my doctor i took an overdose in tablets,?

i 40 yrs female and got depression, so i wrote him a letter saying what i did , now he what me go and see him, but what would i say to him face to face ?

Is my MIL more important to my husband than I am?

I am so sorry that you have to go through this horrible experience. It is horrible and I don't care what others say. Your husband should know that he's married to YOU, and he'd better set his priority straight. He needs to choose between being a pathetic mom's boy and a wife's husband. Nobody like losers. I am sorry.

What do you think of these names for our band?

Grooves And Shakers And Ice Cream Makers is absolutely a lot! So in my opinion, don't go with it. Grooves and Shakers sound nice.

How come girls crush on such feminine male artists now?

It's always been like that, the nineties were exactly the same (the guys from Hanson? Look at them!). The eighties had Duran Duran dressing up in make-up, the seventies had long hair and David Bowie, Marc Bolan, glam rock, etc, the sixties had their versions too. I don't understand it because I always liked rugged handsome older men but that's just me I guess lol

My Bestfriend is Madly in love with me!!!?

Ok so me and my boyfriend is going strong , everything is great but now his bestfriend and mine 2 is completely in love with me all of a sudden....His name is garrett and we have so much fun i everyday just as friends are suppose to. But then i would notice he would stare at me everyday at school.And i have an 11th period class with him and he tickles me and when i play being mad at him he is so serious i swear he cant stand when im mad. or upset. But then one day he told me how he felt and then once i told him that I was with jamal and i dont think we can ever go out like that(not in a mean way). He went crazy on me and he started crying right there in the classroom and (we are both freshies in highschool). I dont know what to do and now today he keeps on crying and i feel so bad :( Helllllllllllpppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Can I Make 600 Dollars (Or More) in One Month?

i dont want to bring you down or anything but i dont think people will take you seriously just because your 13...

800 number for splat mistakes?

LOOK MY ************ HAIRIS PINK!! I have an appt t0 be at by 12 pm and cannot be late was in a hurry to get this color in and ITS FU*CKIN PINK!!!!!! Fix IT!! Splat is a pice of ****, have died my hair for yrs and its ****** PINK!!! FIX IT!!!! 2092542054, FIX IT freakin OUT!!!

The value of unpainted ceramics and an older kiln?

My friend just bought a house from an estate and with it came a shop full of ceramics of different kinds. There are many, many cermics, different sizes, different holidays, and they are all fired just not painted. My friend would like to sell them, but has no idea of their worth. She also has an older kiln that still works as it has fired all of these ceramics that I speak of. We are just hoping to get an approximate value of these items so she knows what to ask for them. She doesn't want to "rob" anyone, but she also doesn't want to get "robbed".

Importance of ossification test?

a girl is more than 18 years but her parents has changed it and she is now 17 yrs and 6 months according to the changed date of birth and she does not have any aunthetic proof regarding her original date of birth and has eloped and married a boy whom she loved.the parents of the girl has filed a case under section 366 ipc on her husband because the boy belongs to the schedule caste community.How she can save herself and her husband from this trap and can she file a case in the court 0r not?

Ive been worrying about silly things all day,could this be the reason ?

Calm down, meditate, invite a friend over, or do something that takes a lot of concentration, that'll get your mind off it...

My husband has crohns now for 11 yrs. Got bronchitis a mth ago, ever since he has NO appetite.?

This is really abnormal for him. Hes a big guy, and a big eater usually. He started around 260-270, now hes 236. They did ct scan and x- rays the day he got diagnosed with bronchitis, June 10th. Said he had bronchitis and small flare up. Now he can go all day with nothing. He says otherwise no more chest pain or bronchitis symptoms, ya know. We been married 9 yrs, never seen him not hungry, im very concerned.

E'm I super overweight for a 14 yrs old boy? for a 14 yrs old boy?

Okay, I'm now at my 4th year in high school and we will have a physical examination on monday so I'm worried if I'm too fat. In my 1st year it's normal, 2nd overweight, 3rd year normal. I'm 169 cm and 53 kg. E'm I too heavy? And E'm I too short for a 14 yrs old eurasian (chinese/filipino/spanish)? Please be honest.ian (chinese/filipino/spanish)? Please be honest.

Can you explain this social dialect example?

I'm no expert but I can only assume that it has to do with a class system. Being born in a poor, middle, or rich class, usaully in over 80% of the time, results in the manner of your speak, understanding of surroundings, manners, levels of respect towards others, especially authority, common sense,and education. There is that exceptional 20% few that will make the effort to educate themselves.

Approximate asset of the store?

I worked at one electronic store as a supervisor. If i have to responsible of $250,000 for damaged of those equipment, I would like to know how much would be the asset in the store?

Help!!! period issues?

plzz help... i need to know that how long does it take after discharge to get your period....i am 12 yrs....78LB....and my height is 4ft.11 1/2 inches..... please help my mom wont tell me

I am about to see my father he is 76 yrs, after 38 years of rejection, any tips?

I was 15 had some kind of stupid fight. I didn't want to tell my grandmother (now dead) were I was going. My mother and grandmother force me to talk on the phone, because he wouldn't pay child support if I didn't talk to him. He heard me say no I don't want to talk to him. He was nasty on the phone. I said I didn't want to talk to you, but they force me and hang up, that was 38 yrs ago.I tried 3 times in my life time, 18, 20, 30 yrs old. I invited him to my graduation 18, but didn't want to come, I invited him to the wedding at 20 yrs old. He said why should I do you the favor. I called at 30 yrs old. He said He had to make an appointment. I got mad and said I'll call you, I'll call you (You think I should of gotten mad?) I thought why would I have to make an appointment or why did he say that. He should of kept quite an said o.k. He has not once tried to connect me, not once. Why? He is 76 yrs old. I want to connect with him before he dies. I want to give him one last chance or I will regret it, but I am afraid of rejection. I know where he lives, today I am going over there, without him knowing it, it's kind of far, his phone number is unlisted. I don't know how to go about it, what do I do, my friend is coming too, He has no relative. I think they are all dead. What should I say, what if he reject me again. I am so afraid to see him. He was so abusive mentally and physically, but he is 76 yrs old. He does not have much time to live. Help me find the word to talk to him. P.S I know the child support shouldn't has stop, but it did.

Names that sound good with Lee?

There is this actress Debra Paget, but her real name is spelled Debralee you can also spell it Debra Lee as well.

What to expect; on the first step in transitioning i guess?

I am not sure, but I know that in order to get a sex change operation you have to pass certain psychological tests. However, you can find a lot of support in the LGBT community and even outside of it. You have my support. And if they are a good therapist, they will be supportive and help you explore this decision more fully.

How can I get over him?

Well I have a huge crush on this boy, but the thing is I haven't seen him for almost 3 yrs!! and I know I'm never going to see him again,though I still like him I don't know what it is. Can some one please help me get over him!!

What do you think of using the name Reider for a boy...?

i like Reider and i think it would be a very special name to give your son in honor of your grandfather. and Vincent is one of my favorite names. I love the name Vincent! so Reider Vincent sounds just perfect to me! and it flows so well. Garrett is a nice name too but Vincent sounds so much better with Reider. that's just my opinion.

Career counseling help...?

I'm 23 yrs old and graduated with a bachelor degree of Hotel and Restaurant management of batch 2008 The problem is it has been 3 years since i was unemployed..within those years I never quit looking for a job, during those times I felt Lost, and I really dont know where do I fit in. I have failed many times before. Now its year 2011..I have stopped looking for a job this past few months because my mom needs my company and she had asked me to stay. She has a glaucoma, and she needed someone to put her eye medicine from time to time. She's 73 yrs old , she's my non-biological of my problem why I couldnt have a job is that I have a low self-esteem I got that behavior since childhood. I've made so many mistakes before, now I want to change to become a better me. I'm looking for many job opportunities again one of my job choices is, of course related to my course, and the other one is call center job. My problem is How can I answer the interviewer if i'm lacking of experience. Well I did have a job experience before but only as a reliever and it didnt last long, it took me only 2 months. other experiences was a failed OJT's. I want to help myself and build my confidence so I could have my own self Identity,I just don't want to lose hope. I've been looking for counseling online since I don't know where or whom to seek help..Pls reply to me soon..Thanks:)

Please answer this i need to know?

If eric told you the same thing and you found out it wasnt true, why would you think it was true now? Or he could have changed his mind. Either way youve got to ask adam himself.

Will she get picked onn?

im having tripletts! one girl and two boys! we have already decided the boys names gage tyler and garrett blaze for the girl i want keep the G sound but i also want to name her after my grandmother virginia but i could comprimise and name her virginia and call her Gin but do you think she will get made fun of?

What are some very nice film schools in Milwaukee to go to?

I am 22 yrs old and I always wanted to go to film school, but the one that is closer to me is so darn expensive (90 k ) and I just wanted to know if there is any students that go to school in Milwaukee That can recommend me to a film school? Thanks

My dog keeps coughing likes he's choking?

My toy poodle is 12 yrs of age, and thats probably why he is coughing. He is coughing very harshly then gagging like he is going to throw up something but he doesnt. It might be of old age but I need to know if we should take him to the vet. Or if hes in pain. Hes a happy dog, playful like hes young. He also breathes heavy enough for us to hear in his sleep.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How Much Data Have I Used?

Depends if you are on wifi ..... if not you can look in your account summary it take a bit to update but it will show what you have used or a number to call to tell it to you to or you can allways call customer service and they will help you with that.

Will I lose weight if I eat like this?

You won't gain wait. Your calorie intake was anything between 950-1250. Try to eat smaller portions and add more fruit and vegetables. Eat a dinner that is rather healthy and contains barley any fat and low calories.

Can I upgrade the ATI HD 6650m graphics card in my Acer Aspire AS7750G Notebook?

No and never. You can't upgrade the graphics card of your laptop because its circuit is attached in the motherboard.

Should i tell her that i still love her ?

Well,i love a girl since 2004 and id told her through letters but not verbally as im very shy and afraid.we were gd friends and in the same college 4 2 yrs and id moved to another to continue my studies.then i had rarely seen her(may be 5 times a yr).In 2009 ive learned zat shes engaged something like zat-i dont believe ive her num but i dont know what to do,where to begin,how to start talking to her etc.thnx very much 4 any help

Boy and girl baby name help!?

I love "W" boys names and Whitney is cute but Winifred?? Winnie is cute so they could just go with Winnie. Other W names for girls I would recommend would be Wanda, Wendy, Willow or Wynona. Anything is better than Winifred lol. "G" middle names for girls: Grace, Gretchen, Gail, Georgia, and Ginger.

What are things i can legally do in a custody issue to prevent father from gettin any type of custody?

he was in prison for 5 years over drugs and they still saying he has a strong chance i dont feel comfertable considering he only been round the past 7-8 months. my son is 8 yrs old. and even 4 months ago he didnt know his b-day yr born or even hid fav. color.

I was charged with possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia in Florida?

I am over 18 yrs old and this is my first offense ever. was caught with literally shake (less than a gram) and a pipe in my car. I want to know what happens if I were to plead guilty, not guilty or no contest. I also want to be left with an option for expungement. I live in seminole county. any advice, referrals, or information will be largely appreciated.

Age of consent? Please help?

In my country (RSA) the legal age is 16 but even if you're both under 16 it's still considered rape and both people get charged.

2010 Toyota Yaris YRS Sedan?

One of the most reliable cars you will ever buy. Definitely a good choice. But $19,000 seems like a bit of a steep price cause i think you can get a brand new one for about 20,000 probably less.

My brother girl problem ?

My brother is 16 yrs and he can't find a girlfriend that like him. For who he is .. Now what are some thing he can do to make a girl like foe him . I mean dress , or anything .. Help him out

What loose leaf chewing tobacco is the least addictive?

not snuff, like redman, levi garrett, and beech nut..... also is plug tobacco any less addictive? and please don't tell me how i shouldn't chew and how it can cause cancer, if people cared about that they wouldn't use tobacco

Messy coworker breakup....any advice would be appreciated?

I'm a eighteen year old girl who is a full time student in university and works part time like many students. About six months ago I began dating a coworker. Things were fantastic at first. He was the sweetest most amazing guy and I thought like any girl that I was blessed to have found him! After around 3 months of dating things really started to change fast and for the worst...first of all he started to get really physical in our relationship...I was very clear to him that I wasn't ready for what he was trying to do and can imagine how frustrated and upset he got at me over time with this. He also began to hang around this other girl at our job who was 3 yrs older than him and 4 yrs older than me quite intensely after getting frustrated with me a few a result out relationship just weakened and weakened until I got fed up....trying to talk to him about the other girl and all the problems in our relationship was horrible and it led to a terribly messy breakup. We have been broken up now for just over a month and things are still incredibly awkward at work. He stares at me constantly when he is working at the same time as me, and has gone out of his way to make working their intolerable at times to say the least. At the time of the break up I told him that I didn't want things to be awkward seeing as we still had to work together...he later sent me an email saying he didn't think we should ever speak at work because it would quote "hurt us more in the end." Im trying so hard to forget about him and our brief 4 month relationship but seeing him all the time at work makes it next to impossible. Quitting or transferring is not an option, and in all fairness I have worked their way longer than him and have a higher position as a supervisor. It was a terrible breakup but I don't hate him. I want to move on and he is making it very difficult in many ways. I know many people say don't ever date a coworker but I broke that rule and now regret it. I was going to try to talk to him about it once but after the email, I cant even bare thinking of attempting it. The other girl by the way, hates me, tells other workers that its no lose because I was never good enough for the guy anyways, and she even spreads nicknames about me like "virgin mary" because I wouldn't be sexually she knows all this information about my relationship I imagine she only gathers from speaking to my ex...whenever I see him or her at work I feel sick and I have not spoken to my ex or her since the breakup yet I continue to get the horrible glares from both of them and my ex still strives to make me jealous in many ways...any advice would be appreciated but please be serious. Thanks.

Can I be pure in heart and still be a sexually charged guy?

I don't think being "pure in heart" means being a desexualized person as some idiotic christians claim... I am a christian guy myself, btw. I know lust is not a good thing or sexual immortality (subjective definition..?). Well im 18 yrs old guy so obviously i'm at my peake and testerone is super high right now lol.

Why did he say that! ?

I've been with my bf for 2 yrs cause my ex never wanted to be with me we dated for like 3 yrs he wanted to be like friends with bennefits and I finally moved on but my ex would text me hi and stuff and try to get me to come and visit him and I wouldn't. well I married my bf and my someone told my ex so he sent me a text saying your not really married and I didn't want to make him feel bad but I sent him my wedding photo and he called my husband a goofy looking guy when my husband is like way more handsome then him! Like what's his deal? He didn't want a relationship with me why is he making mean comments about my husband?

Pls pls answer i am having stomach heaviness...? ?

pls i need ur help of yours from past six mnths i am having stomach heaviness after eating .now it is getting worse n worse.i have gone to many doc but they give med. Which give temp relief and do not get cured by root.bread make it worse .i feel heaviness which last till 4 hrs (not exactly it depends on it severity)and other times my stomach is ok! Now days it is going regularly like this due to this i am not able to eat .well i m male 16 yr severly underweight problem also since 4 yrs .pls help


Hi, My name is Sharday i am 13 Yrs. Old and i am from Chicago,il ... I Want to start an all girls singing group for girls ages 12-14, any Nationality is fine with me. I am looking for Singers/Dancers/and Rappers there are three spots open and you all will each have a chance to audition either in person or over the phone. You have to live in the CHICAGO AREA !! I am Looking for girls who are TALENTED .. BEAUTIFUL .. and have a great PERSONALITY. Here is How you Audition for Audition #1 Send an Email To ME at telling why you would like to be in the group .. and What it means to become famous to you .. also State Your Name, Age, Location (NOTADDRESSS),Hobby'ss, Fashion Styles, And ExtraThingsgs About YourSelf And Your Personality. Please Be Sure That You HAve Your PARENTS PERMISSION !! If YoU KNOw YOu cannot Commit to The group Please do not bother Auditioning !! IF you HAve Any Questions Or concerns email me at . Good Luck To all of You !.!.!

If ionly did 2yrs why must i do 3years on post release controland not aloud to get off early?

my last case thou i did 2yrs and got off prc in one yr ..this time they say im not aloud to get off earley ....idid 2yrs in prison then did 2 more yrs 2 years later i did both of my senteces day for day..idont owe restiution or fines ....they say im not aloud to get off early but why must this be if a person does histime why is prc longer than the sentence??????

I had a bff who was male we were in the same class for 2 yrs then we started to like eachother , then we moved?

i was best friends with a boy named nathan we were in first and second grade together then in second grade a boy who was mean was chasing me and then nathan tackled him and walked up to me and he said damsel in distress you have been saved by your knight in red sweatshirts then he very lightly kissed my cheek and told me he was moving then i told him i was moving and we liked each-other but then he moved to colorado and i moved to a small town now about to start seventh grade i had a dream about me and nathan had a reunion our parents brought us to a park and he was taller and more muscular and i was taller and slightly developed he still had blue eyes shaggy blonde hair and i had my sandy blonde symmetrical cut and hazel eyes i woke up realized it was a dream and i was very upset and wondered if he ever thought of me now or still i hadn't thought of him until 6 yrs later why did i think of him now and all day today ive been upset cause hes not here my mom says just call him and tell him how i feel but how am i going to talk to a boy who i like for 6 yrs and say hey remember in second grade when you kissed me i still love you! what should i do my chest hurts bc all my friends have boyfriends and i don't and hes so far away what should i do??????

Im 6' and 180lb and 13 yrs should i get a TTR125 or a CRF 150F?

Well no offense but your a big kid and considering your age, your growing pretty rapidly right now. Honestly your way too big for either of those bikes. If you have riding experience you should probably get a crf450x trail bike. That will be something that you can grow into and has plenty of power with a great suspension for jumping. I would tell you too get a crf250x but you would just grow out of that really quickly, and it couldn't provide the power to haul someone your size around with the ease the 450x could.

This or That Twins (boy/girl)?

I'm not a fan of any of those girl names, they sound really 20 years ago, but I do like Taylor and Brennan

When my daughter was born ,quite for few months one of her eye gets unfocussed but refocussed quickly?

at any other thing.she is now 4 yrs old and im thankful to God that shes fine my 1 yr old son still get unfocussed but refocussed.i was firtst thinking tht it might be weak muscles but now im worried.any ideas thank u

The van der waals equation.. help?

In an industrial process, nitrogen is heated to 500 K at a constant volume of 1.000 m3. The gas enters the container at 300 K and 100 atm. The mass of the gas is 92.4 kg. Use the van der Waals equation to determine the approximate pressure of the gas at its working temperature of 500 K. For nitrogen, a = 1.352 dm6 atm mol−2, b = 0.0387 dm3 mol−1.

13 yrs old. I scratch myself )':?

Im sorry to have to read this , just remeber your mom should always love you no matter what you do or have goin on and if she abuses you even though it might be hard to do so you need to tell somebody. Also in these coditions i can see why you are deppressed. Just remeber you are worth everything to some people ajd hurting yourself or killing yourself isnt going to solve anything it is just going to make things worse hurting you and the ones who truly love you. I hope things get better , good luck!

Is it to late to learn the violin?

Dude, it's never too late. My mom started playing cello at age 44 and she says "If ya ain't dead yet, it ain't too late." so there. If you have some music background that's always good! And quite honestly besides being super young, a young adult is the perfect age. You'll catch onto stuff really quick. Only thing is to make sure you stick with it! Get a teacher for the first several years or so and learn the technique, basics and whatnot, and afterwards you can go on your own path. DO IT MAN! Especially if you love it :D

Why do record companies try to make things (boy bands, teen pop singers, etc.) work when they don't work?

Its a business and its all about money. This business in particular will whore anybody out and the little girls love the cute little boys, boy band etc. Justin Beiber doesnt need to be remembered he made like $50 Million dollars last year selling his movie, nail polish, merchandise, a book, etc as long as little girls will gush and spend all their allowance on that ****, the industry will push it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

How much does it cost to live on your own?

It depends on where you live. Our mortgage is 800.00 a month, our utilities (power, gas, water) are about 250.00, cell phones 30.00 (only because I work for the company), car payments 300.00, credit cards 150.00, gasoline 200.00, groceries 400.00, internet and cable 100.00, car insurance 100.00. So here in Idaho, where livin' is cheap - about 2500 a month. If you live somewhere like're looking in the 3000's.

How much does it sadden you to know you don't have a twin and won't have a clone?

Well, I actually DON'T want a twin or a clone. Having a twin can get tough sometimes like if they talk a lot. I am a quiet person in my life.

Short guy with big problems? help please?

I am male 19 yrs old 5 foot 4 inches tall barefoot and wit shoes 5 '5. -Im short for a guy obviously my famiy n friend r all taller than me including my lil bro anf I can't grow anymore. I have these shoe inserts that will make me 5 foot 7 which is same as my dad and friends. Shoes look normal and are comfortable but what do you thinkl should I wear it ? Would you? Will it attract girls mre? Help I have a insecurity wit my height help please

Can somebody PLEASE make me a youtube tutorial video for Garrett Hedlund's "Hide Me Babe"(from Country Strong)?

I just recently received a keyboard for my birthday, and I really really love this song. I know what the chords are, but I'm still having a lot of difficulty. If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated. Thank you

Are interpreters/translators needed in japan? What do these fields essentially contain?

I am trying to discover my plans for the future and prepare for the preparation. I am curious enough to read the thoughts of people who might have valuable (maybe experienced?) insight on my questions. Seeing from the nature of my career choice, I am considering working in Japan. For an interpreter between English and Japanese, what is the outlook of this career path in Japan? Also, what are the common practices in this field? Do interpreters travel much? How many years of experience/progression in average does it take before financial stability is high enough to support a family? My questions might be vague, but I'm simply looking for what people might have noticed/experienced. Things might be different for everyone, I understand this. Approximates are all that I desire.

Is it good news for me that my husband handled his affair like this?

Simple. He's still with you because he doesnt want to leave you. And no, it isnt good news, there is no good news.

Don't know what to do with my child's father?

Me and my long distance bf have been together for 3 yrs we have 2 kids. He lives in Canada me in Ohio he come to visit for months at a time. He is a good father but he is not very nice to me always doubts my feelings for him I try to break up with him but he wont go. He recently asked me and the kids to come to his country for Christmas this year ad to meet the family. He wants us to stay for 2 months but when I ask ca we move there with him he says he wants to finish college. He does not want to live here even though he said he always wanted to. He also said if I did not want to come the kids are. I feel if I go he will try to keep the kids and they will not come back with me. I don't know what would you guys do? He is a good dad and he gives us whatever we need but I just don't know. Would you guys move on or stay?

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in a month ?

heeyyy i am 18 yrs old gurl, iam 5'5 inhces ,iam currently 62 kgs i want to be 52 in a mnth i overweight i depressed plz help wht to do =(((((

When will the Canada Post strike end?

I know it hasn't been officially decided, but is there an approximate date? I need to get my mail!!! Haha

What are you passionate about?

13, female, Australia. I'm passionate about playing the cello and photography (I don't consider myself a professional, I just love doing it).

What would the approximate price of a black and white small snake tattoo cost?

Snake tattoos always look better wrapped around a body part. If a finger than a hundred dollars. Ankle or wrist a few hundred. A whole leg or arm thousands. The best I ever saw was one wrapped around an entire woman's body, that was very expensive, but was devastatingly beautiful. She had a pick of any boyfriend she wanted after that tattoo. A snake tattoo if done right can be extremely powerful and change your life. If you want a top artist feel free to email me and I will direct you to someone who will do it right.

Medical school...what do you think will happen?

ok so my bf just broke up with me after 6 months of dating...we had a great relationship...i can tell that he really loved me bc he would always want to see me, was affectionate when he was with me, introduced me to his immediate family and friends, would always contact me and buy me things..the reason why he broke up with me was because he decided to go to med school in russia for 6 yrs in september....he told me that he cant do long distance relationships and its better just to end things now...he told me how he really cares about me and the last thing that he would wanna do is hurt me...and then he was like i dont know if you want to be cool with me or not....i was speechless...i didnt expect this coming from him cause we had a really good relationship...i can tell that he was upset too just by the sound of his voice and he told me that he hasnt been sleeping over this...he really broke my heart...i just want to know do you think he regrets losing me?? i was a great girl to him... will he miss me?? we used to talk everyday

Is this a good leg workout?

yeah. try to look up some workouts on youtube for more ideas. I think omg yahoo had a few articles/videos on kim kardashian and jlo leg workouts so those'll help (:

I got a weird call on my magicJack?

This guy was threatening to blow up my house. He said somethings like "this is about the fourth call youve made today" and some filled with alot of swears like "Hear this F*CK YOU" and "Hey your momma still has worms crawling up her p*ssy" and many others. I found his name. He is Frank Garrett and he works for a compony called Duncan Construction. Should i contact magicJack? Should the police get involved too?

In what direction would I look for a .17 HMR rifle that has sights?

I'm thinking of getting a .17 HMR rifle for plinking around, because I want something cheap and somewhat powerful. My problem is: I don't like scopes. I'm looking to get something cheap like those Mossbergs, but they have no sights on them. Are there any .17 HMR rifles of approximate cost to the Mossberg 817s that have sights on them or available for them?

Why do guys only want me for sex?

I know I have so much more to offer than sex, but that's all guys seem to want from me. It's like I have a big red stamp on my forehead that says "SEX" lol. I just would like for one guy to look past what he sees on the outside, and develop something deeper than lust, who would actually take the time to get to know all the aspects of me. I'm 23 yrs. old, so I know I'm young, and I figure that could have something to do with it...I'm surrounded by guys my age, and a lot of them haven't matured yet. But I know plenty of people my age who are in relationships. I'd like to be in a good relationship one day with the right person, but it seems like EVERY guy I meet just wants to have sex right away, and not even give me a chance. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it my age, or the area I live in? I just don't get it. It's starting to make me feel like I'm not good enough, and no one will ever see past what's in my pants. I know that's not true though, I know I am a good person, and wouldmake a great wife to someone one day IF people give me a chance. Because there are so many people my age in relationships, I feel like it must be me, like I'm doing something wrong here. I admit I do sleep with guys too soon sometimes, but even when I wait and tell them no they just keep pressuring me and pressuring me. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm ready to completely give up on guys. It's taken a toll on my self-esteem lately. I don't even want to meet anymore, because I feel like they're all the same. Sorry to use such absolutes, because I know not every guy is like this, it just feels that way right now. Can somebody please give me some advice? Anything will help. Thank you!

A Bike Frame Question?

The frame of any bike is only about 15% of the total weight of the bike. So a frame that is a bit heavier isn't going to make a huge difference in the total weight of the bike. However, a 20" frame is going to be quite big for you. Sure, you can lower the saddle, but the top tube is going to be high, and probably too long. Fit is going to be a much bigger issue than weight

Lost in L.A. Noire? :O?

I am chasing Garrett Mason (Lipstick Murder) in the church and lost him when I passed the dinning room table. Where did he go? Can someone help me? Thanks! (:

What is wrong with my dog ?

I have a papilon dog he having trouble with his tail it wont stay curled up and when walking him he having trouble trying to poo this has been going on for about 2 or 3 month now had him at vet for xrays and nothing showing up he is 10 yrs old im worried about him and with his tail down he gets dirty at the back and when i try to clean him he yelps and tries to run away any help would be grateful thanks

Should I stay? Adults only please!?

Well, this may be long, but if there's anyone out there that has would be greatly appreciated. - really need an unbiased opinion. I am a 34 year old divorced woman, and a mother to 2 small children, both from ex-husband. I have been divorced 5 yrs and have been in one other serious relationship other than the one I'm currently in. I have been with the man I'm with now for 2 yrs. It has not been easy right from the very beginning, our relationship has been Passionate, and extremely sexually fulfilling,he is very strong (in the mental sense), he's determined and motivated to succeed. I love him with every inch of my soul. On the flip side, we are from 2 completely different worlds, we are completely opposite on so many levels, like night and day. This man has the power to make me feel like I'm floating, and then can make me feel like I'm non-existant and futile, I've have more if anyone's interested, and would like to listen, then offer advise. Pls feel free to respond. I need to make sure I'm not loosing my mind.

How to take care of 7 and 5 year olds?

My 7 yr old nephew and 5 yr old niece that I have never met are coming from about 11 hours away to live with my husband and I. They have been in the foster care system for about 2 yrs now, and we had no idea they even existed. I am very excited, and happy to get them out of foster care but I am also TERRIFIED. I don't know how to take care of these kids! What do they like to eat? Do they bathe themselves? Should I buy clothes and toys before they come? What do kids their age like to do and play with? What should I ask them to call us? What if they don't like us? I just don't want to mess this up because we are the only family they have that are stable and able to take them in. Help please!

Why do boys like to hang out in the streets , whats the big deal?

I love my family dont get me wrong my grandma had 5 children my two aunts a cosmetologist and a nurse my mom an insurance saleswoman two uncil one thats a wonderful lawyer but her youngest 24 yrs old is out of control he is older than me by 2 yrs yet I am more responsible than him everytime he runs in the streets grandma call me and my husband to get him out of trouble or bail him out of jail and I am tired of it all everyone has tried talk to him even my hus. is there something we are just not saying ? what's in the streets they he keeps runin out gettin into?